ClubHub FAQs

Answer to frequently asked questions about the British Rowing ClubHub system and the data held in it

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System FAQs

What will the costs of the ClubHub portal be?

ClubHub is free to all British Rowing affiliated clubs as one of the benefits of affiliation. Sport England has funded the development and roll-out of the system, which is fantastic as these costs (which are significant) won’t have to be recouped through the rowing community.

What are the online transactions fees?

The online transaction fees will be 2% +20p per transaction, which is a competitive rate. This is lower than most clubs would pay through other similar systems and software available on the open market. Plus, clubs get the benefit of using a bespoke portal that has been designed for and tested by rowing clubs.

Do British Rowing receive any fees from ClubHub?

0.1% of a transaction made though GoCardless or Stripe goes to British Rowing to cover the ongoing costs of maintaining the portal for clubs.

What are the costs for joining, annual, monthly and are there levels such as bronze, silver and gold?

There is no joining fee and no monthly or annual fees for using ClubHub, it is a benefit to affiliated clubs. All clubs who use the portal will get the same level of access and service. It is for the club to decide how much they utilise the portal.

Can we manage our financial processes as we do now?

Yes. If clubs want to carry on using their existing payment methods and providers, that’s fine. Clubs can use ClubHub as a standalone database to store and manage member details, without the integrated online payment facility.

ClubHub will work best when all the integrated features are used, especially the financial reporting functionality but we recognise that some clubs may rather retain some of their existing processes.

Will ClubHub deal with subscriptions?

Yes. ClubHub will deal with subscriptions. Your club can have as many membership types as required and these can be paid for via Go Cardless (Direct Debt /Standing order) or Stripe (Credit/ Debit Card). You can also buy your British Rowing membership at the same time if you wish.

Can I buy my Environment Agency (EA) licences though the ClubHub Portal?

Yes. The system will operate through ClubHub in a similar way to the current Club Management system.

Will there be single sign on for members and admins?

Yes. There will be a single sign on process for members and administrators.

Will clubs be able to choose which parts of the ClubHub system to use?

Yes. We recognise that not every club will want or need every feature that ClubHub provides. For example, if you’re happy with the existing way you contact your members via email, you may choose not to use the integrated ClubHub email functionality.

However, we do encourage clubs to at least explore all the features that ClubHub will provide, because we believe there will be significant time savings and efficiencies for clubs that use it to its full capabilities.

Can we set up different levels of access to the data we store for our club members?

Yes. There are three levels of access that clubs can assign to users:

  1. Full access: This is for the following roles: Club Admin, Secretary, Membership Secretary & Treasurer
  2. Boat registration: This is for the following roles: Captains & Boatman
  3. Team Management: This for the following roles: Coaches & Team Co-ordinators

Will there be a boat/ergo/launch booking system?

No. Currently, ClubHub does not offer a booking system, but we are working with the developers on this. ClubHub will offer a fleet management function, where clubs can list all their boats and launches, including information such as size, type, manufacturer, name and Club ID, as well as being able to allocate to specific squads.

Will there be an ‘availability’/crew/squad selection function?

ClubHub offers a squad notification email solution but this does not include an availability function. As part of the next phase of development, we are looking to see if we can add existing external squad/crew systems to ClubHub.

Can you access ClubHub via mobile/smart phone?

Yes. You can access the site via mobile device however it is not fully optimised for mobile just yet. We expect this to be available in 2019.

Will it integrate with existing British Rowing systems, such as incident reporting, membership, BROE2 etc.?

Yes. The system will be integrated with British Rowing’s other online system once the ClubHub Portal is live.

Are there any plans to integrate with the Clubspark system?

No. There are no proposed plans to integrate ClubHub with another membership system at this time.

Can we customise the login page, so it looks like it’s our club and not British Rowing?

No, not at present. We hope that this may be available in later updates. Once you have passed the initial login page then you can customise the pages with your club’s logo.

How can we control who becomes a member, if we have the link on our website?

There is a three stage process to signing up for a club membership.

  • Stage 1: Applicants will first create an account though the British Rowing sign-up page.
  • Stage 2: They can then select the club they want to join, and this will send an email to the Club Administrator, as identified on the system.  At this stage, the applicant will be shown as pending approval.
  • Stage 3: The Club Administrator can then approve or not approve the membership application.

Will payment for membership go though before being approved by the Club Administrator?

Yes. Payment will be made before the membership is approved by the Club Administrator. If the membership application is declined then the club will have to refund the payment.

Can we format our own reports from the system?

There are currently 11 standard reports that are available through the ClubHub Portal that have been developed in consultation with the 18 pilot clubs. Should there be demand for other reports then we will look at adding these to the system.

If we don’t complete our affiliation and make the necessary payment, is Clubhub locked?

If clubs don’t complete all their affiliation requirements i.e. submit a safety audit or have unpaid fees, they won’t have their access to ClubHub removed but their access to British Rowing Online Entry (BROE2) will be temporarily suspended.

If a club fails to respond to requests to complete the affiliation process then they will be disaffiliated and access to ClubHub will be removed.

If we want to stop using ClubHub once we have set up an account, what happens to the data?

The club can ask for its membership data to be downloaded and then subsequently deleted from ClubHub. This would be club membership data only and not British Rowing membership data and related information.

What is the arrangement for maintenance and support of the system, i.e. will there be periods where the system is not accessible?

Yes. As with any software there will be routine maintenance alongside system updates based on feedback from clubs and members. For any planned system downtime, users will be informed in advance.

How can our independent auditors access the information? Can we grant access rights or secure a download?

A club will be able to view and download all transactions to share with auditors.

Can clubs undertake annual returns of membership numbers to British Rowing through ClubHub?

Yes. British Rowing will be able to raise an invoice against the membership numbers that are on ClubHub.

Can I add a member if they are already registered with another club?

As with the current system, people can be members of more than one club.

Clubs will be able to set up any number of membership types to facilitate people becoming a member of the club.

Data FAQs

Who owns data?

The data is owned by the relevant party, so in the case of club membership the data is owned by the club. This is made clear in the agreement clubs sign-up to when they join ClubHub.

If ClubHub is compromised, who holds the liability?

JustGo (the developer) is responsible for the core platform and holds the liability. At club level, if there is a data breach, for example through poor security at the club, then the club would be liable for the breach.

Will British Rowing be able to see non-British Rowing member data we put on the system?

Yes. British Rowing will be able to see non-member data but access to club data will be strictly limited and in line with our privacy policy.

Who else has access to the data i.e. British Rowing, the system administrators and operators?

British Rowing will have access to a club’s membership data, but this will be strictly controlled.

The Club Administrator will have access to all of their club’s data and will be able to give specific roles access to the relevant parts of the system, the same way as you can now with Club Management.

The system developers will have very limited access to data in order to support clubs and British Rowing. This is strictly controlled and audited

Are the details going to be used by British Rowing to contact new members, and if so what rules or limitations will apply?

We will give club members the option to sign-up to communications from British Rowing as part of the club member registration/sign-up process in ClubHub.

This will be a clear opt-in option with details about what communications they’re signing up for, in line with current best practice and data protection guidelines. There would also be a clear ‘unsubscribe’ option on every email we send, as with all our current communications.

We want to make sure that everyone in the rowing community, even if they are not British Rowing members, has the opportunity to opt-in to hear from us about important rowing-related news.

Will we be able to prevent unsolicited emails from the operators?

There will be a clear opt-in/opt-out option with details about what communications club and British Rowing members are signing up for, in line with current best practice and data protection guidelines. There would also be a clear ‘unsubscribe’ option on every email we send, as with all our current communications. There will also be opt-ins required for any communications from the developer, JustGo.

We currently use webcollect. Can the data be transferred or downloaded to ClubHub?

Yes. British Rowing will providing templates so that existing club data can be transferred to the ClubHub Portal.

Has British Rowing granted any rights in signing e.g. has Facebook subscription where data has been used for research and marketing?


Supplier FAQs

How was the supplier selected to develop ClubHub?

British Rowing researched numerous online membership systems and selected six to bid for the contract. Three providers were selected to present to a group of British Rowing staff, from which the GoMembership system from JustGo (known as Azolve at the time) was selected. They were chosen as they offered us the most flexibility to customise the portal to best suit the needs of rowing clubs.

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ClubHub Help and Support

Support materials to help you get the most out of using the British Rowing ClubHub Portal

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