Stratford-upon-avon Boat Club is expanding

Contractors’ cabin and fences on site: no parking till March! Annoying? Yes, but it’s going to be worth it!


Work has now started on Stratford upon Avon Boat Club’s ambitious £440,000 refurbishment and improvement: over two years in the planning and a massive effort in fundraising, the Boat Club has almost succeeded in putting funds in place to pay for the building upgrade and the addition of a new training room.

Grounds hut and construction work

“Our winter training will continue without interruption,” says Oliver Smith, the Club’s Captain of Boats. “We’re going to find ways not only to get out on the water but also to continue with our indoor weekend and evening training”

British Rowing, the sport’s governing body, has been instrumental in investing considerable funds and advice given to the Club for the improvement of facilities for adaptive rowers, diversity, equality and also disabled access to the Club. Glyn Hawkins, lead committee member for the refurbishment, commented,

“British Rowing’s guidance has been a pivotal in our struggle to raise the funds and understand the complexity of the project: without their help, we wouldn’t have even started the appeal and certainly wouldn’t have achieved our start date”

The Club’s funding for the project has only been possible with considerable help from outside agencies. Said Stephen Haighton, Club Chairman, “A major contributor to our project has been Sport England: their massive contribution will be going on infrastructure improvements to the Club. We are so grateful to Sport England for their help and support”

Said Helen Smith, lead committee member for fundraising, “Our own Stratford based Town Trust has been a major supporter of our appeal and helped us from day one: their advice and funds have been essential for the success of the project. We are so proud and delighted that they have had the vision and foresight to invest in Stratford’s future, the Boat Club and sport in the district”

Whilst the funds, assistance, help and advice from outside agencies has been essential and critical to the start of project, Stratford Boat Club’s members have dug deep to come up with a major part of the funds themselves. Said Paul Hazelwood, the Club’s Treasurer, “We are proud of how all members of the Club and benefactors have raised over £225,000 towards the refurbishment and expansion through the good guardianship and prudent use of Club funds together with the massive fund raising efforts such as the twenty four hour ergothon, barn dance, quiz nights, socials and other great events and generosity for donors. However, we still need more funds to complete the refurbishment, expansion and final fit out and we are looking to local and regional corporate organisations to help us to achieve our goal of increased access to sport for all in Stratford and the district”

For further information about the project, please contact:

Christopher M Best

on behalf of Stratford upon Avon Boat Club

01789 267886

07729 388442