Row to the Pole on BBC One

[newsimage=0]On July 28th 2011, a six-strong crew of British rowers completed the first ever trek to the Magnetic North Pole by rowing boat.

Led by renowned rower and Arctic explorer Jock Wishart, the Row to the Pole crew rowed 450-miles through the Arctic Sea before arriving at the North Pole on August 25th.

On their way, crew-member and record-breaking cyclist Mark Beaumont captured the intense drama and herculean effort of the expedition for a documentary, which will be shown on Wednesday April 25th.

‘Rowing the Arctic’ will be shown at 10pm on BBC One, and has been described by Wishart as “an outstanding film, capturing a lot of the drama, tension and adventure of our expedition.

“The documentary is very different, as this was by no means a manufactured adventure. We never knew what the end result would be!”

The Row to the Pole story – which tells the tale of quickly-moving ice, rowing into the unknown, and a terrifying encounter with a polar bear – has also been documented in a book, Furthest North.

For more information about the record-breaking expedition, visit